Shellfish Research and Information
Services for the U.S. West Coast

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The man with a plan

PSI researcher, Andy Suhrbier helps shellfish growers adapt to changing ocean conditions.

Economic Impacts

Determining the economic contribution of the shellfish industry in Washington, Oregon, and California

Quantifying the economic contribution of shellfish aquacuture in Washington, Oregon and California

West Coast Shellfish Aquaculture – Economic Impacts, Barriers to Entry and Opportunities for Expanded Production

Shellfish associations, economic development councils, regulators and other organizations have struggled to obtain accurate economic and production data for west coast shellfish for decades. PSI and partners at Northern Economics, Inc. are currently conducting research to quantify the economic impact of shellfish aquaculture and identify barriers limiting expansion of the industry.

Commercial shellfish license holders in Washington, Oregon and California were surveyed for company revenues and expenditures, number of employees, and tideland acres in shellfish production. Survey responses were summarized and economic data area being used to build and Input-Output (I/O) model for shellfish aquaculture. An I/O model depicts inter-industry relations of a regional economy. It shows how the output of one industry is an input to each other industry. Development of the Input-Output model is underway, and will yield multipliers and indirect employment estimates.

Measuring Economic Impacts: IMPLAN Northern Economics, Inc.

Read the report: The Economic Impact of Shellfish Aquaculture in Washington, Oregon and California.

New PSI research: Tracking Shellfish Aquaculture Production